Promote your firm to those who matter!
Someone said only one out of every ten dollars they spend on advertising is worthwhile – they just don’t know which one! You can rest assured the best investment of letting people know about your organization, if you are in the credit/collection support field, is to share it with the Credit Association of Greater Toronto.
Our standard dinner package is only $2500 and it includes:
- Two dinner registrations ($320 value)
- Sole sponsor for the dinner event
- A PowerPoint presentation will be displayed during all pre-dinner meeting with all future dinner meetings and sponsors
- Booth and/or Banner Stands set up option
- Logo on Website
- Logo on Web invite (see example here)
- Sponsor acknowledgement throughout evening
- Table available for pre-dinner cocktail hour and after
- Distribution of company material (if required)
Thank you to current and recent sponsors!
Dinner Meeting – Dalton McGuinty
April 4, 2019
Dinner Meeting – Vic Fedeli
March 5, 2019
Think Like a Dragon: Mindset for Success
Who is Reading Them?
May 1, 2018
RFP: Who is Writing Them?
Who is Reading Them?
April 3, 2018
Risks and Opportunities of IFRS-9
March 6, 2018
Canada’s Economic Outlook for 2018
January 23, 2018
Human Trafficking – The Threat is Real –
Follow the Money – Follow the Crime
November 28, 2017
Mortgage Changes in Canada –
How will they affect you?
October 3, 2017

(FCT Sponsored two events in a row. CGAT thanks you!)
Canada’s Future:
Putting Politics, Economics, and
Foreign Policy into Perspective
May 2, 2017
All things Millennial…
An Introduction to What Makes Them Unique
and Why We Should Care
April 4, 2017
No sponsor this month.
Your logo could have been here!
Risks, Challenges and Opportunities
Facing Financial Institutions In Canada
March 7, 2017
No sponsor this month.
Your logo could have been here!
Canada & the Economic Outlook for 2017
February 7, 2017